Friday, December 31, 2010


ALLAH knows what is best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our heart will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear

ALLAH tests us often
With suffering and sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they can withstand the storm
And the sharpness of chisel
gave the marble its grace and form

ALLAH tests us often
and for every pain He gives us
Provided we are patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just ALLAH's way to make our spirit strong

Author: Unknown

Aku ingat lagi poem ni diberi semasa usrah kat sekolah mase aku Form 2.Tahun 1999,lebih kurang 11 tahun yang lalu.Aku sangat suka poem ni sebab makna die sangat bagus dan bile bace die masuk sampai kat hati..Dulu2 mase aku slalu sedih kat skolah for some reasons aku akan baca poem ni..die ade some healing effects bile kite bace,pas tu dah tak rase sedih dah..So because I hold this poem so dear to my heart I wanna share it here..Maybe it can help to make us stronger...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saengil Chukha Hamnida Omma!

Happy Birthday Ummi,

Moga Allah Tetapkan Imanmu,Dipanjangkan umurmu dalam Keberkatan,Dikurniakan Kesihatan dan dirahmati di dunia dan akhirat...Saranghae!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dah 7 Hari

Sekejap je mase berlalu.Tibe2 Amna dah umoq 7 hari..Hari ni,29 Disember genap seminggu Amna dilahirkan.Sepatutnya tarikh hari ni tarikh dia dilahirkan.Tapi dak kecik ni dah tak sabar nak tengok dunia,same macam atuk dengan wan dan mak cik pak cik die yang tak sabar tunggu Amna keluar. Maka pada tanggal 23 Disember 2010,pukul 6.50 ptg,Amna Zinnirah dilahirkan ke dunia.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ease your worry..

I love beautiful quotations...Sometimes reading phrases or quotations which are meaningful can motivate you especially when you feel down... Here, I'm gonna share one:

"You cannot go back and make a brand new start, but you can start from now and make a new ending"...

Padan muke aku T_T

Pagi ni aku buat rutin biase yang aku buat setiap hari.Basuh2 kain..sapu2 sampah,sambil-sambil tu on netbook,FB dan tgk ape update terkini Kroni Mak Long Timah,hehe..

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Journey To The Blessed End...

Blogging?It sounds sooo not me,hehe..Bile baca blog orang berkobar2 nak buat blog.Tapi tak wujud2 blognye.Tapi baru2 ni,dgn kelahiran Amna,tiba2 rasa nak ade blog.Nak cerita pasal Amna..huhu..Hmm..sebenarnya aku create blog ni dgn harapan dapat keep in touch dgn Ainal Mardhiah yg tgh dok pulun kat Tanta nun(harap2 btol la die pulun kat sane,hehe..)and Dzarif Mok.Nak update kat diorg ape yg jadi kat dalam negara Malaysia ni (poyo je) especially pasal family kami.. and especially lagi pasal new interest kami Amna Zinnirah (will have a special post,InsyaAllah about her later).Lagipun acu ain ni dah meghebeh2 (kalau tak tau meghebeh tu ape sile google maksud die,haha!). Nak update status kat FB pun kdg2 panjang sangat so harap2 this will help you both adik2ku..

Why 'A Journey To The Blessed End'?..Sbb kita semu ni dalam satu perjalanan menuju ke pengakhiran yg dirahmati iaitu Akhirat yang kekal abadi..Pengakhiran yg dirahmati itu pastilah Syurga yg diimpikan oleh semua org yg beriman..Maka aku harap melalui blog ini aku dan sape2 yg membaca dapat same2 ingat mengingati untuk menuju syurga yg dirindui,the blessed end,InsyaAllah..

TAPI...aku ade major problem di sini,sigh...aku susah nak beristiqamah jika buat sesuatu (BAD HABIT! and you must get rid of it ) jadi takut2 jugak kalau blog ini hanya akan tinggal habuk2 dan sawang2..hehe..Tapi InsyaAllah aku akan cuba sedaya upaya mengupdate blog ini dan beristiqamah walaupun mungkin taklah hari2 nak update tp maybe dalam setahun tu adela dua tiga posts,haha!boleh pakai  tak azam ni?;)